
All opinions are my own and I will always give my honest opinion with any product that I review. All products are bought with my own money unless otherwise stated or marked with an (*) on a post. I will only endorse products that I personally love and enjoy using. I will never favour a product just because it has been gifted to me, I will always be 100% honest.

Any negative reviews are my own opinion and experience with the product and can be different from person to person as we all have different skin and reactions with products please keep this in mind when reading any review. I trial all products for at least two weeks if not three to form my best possible opinion about the product so I can inform my readers of my experience.

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use one of my photos please feel free to but leave my watermark on the reposted photo to show where it originated from.

If you have any questions in regards to a post I have written or my blog please feel free to contact me via e-mail (nicolesbeautybabble@gmail.com).

Thank you
Nicole xo

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