My Current Skincare Routine

Thursday, 20 August 2015

So if you follow me on Instagram @nicolesbeautybabble you would already know that I picked up some new skincare products from Mecca as my skin was less then happy with me. As a blogger I tend to not have a set skincare routine as I am always trying out new products. I have now changed my ways and really want to stick with a proper skincare routine that will help look after and improve my skin...

I had a look through so many products online and what would be best suited to my skin (Oily/Combo) and found some products that appealed to me and what I wanted out of my skincare. I am a big believer that you should take care of your skin as it is the only one your going to get so I don't mind investing in more expensive skincare if I know it is going to work for me. The products I picked up I would say are around the mid scale of the price range they are not super dear but not super cheap either.

I have been using this routine for about three weeks now and I have been loving everything. All the products seem to be working well together and it is fixing my skin issues I had slowly but surely and I am just generally enjoying using the products.

So what I have been using, I start my routine off with the Philosophy Purity Cleanser and I either use this on its own or about two to three times a week I use it with my Clarisonic for more of a deep down cleansing, then I follow it with the Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion (Toner) which I put onto a cotton round and wipe all over my face. After I have left the toner to sink in I then go in with the Origins Ginzing Refreshing Eye Cream and follow up with my moisturiser. For day time I have been using the Korres Pomegranate Moisurising Cream Gel and for night the Antipodes Avocado Pear Night Cream.

All these products have gorgeous light scents nothing overpowering, apply beautifully and have not left my skin feeling oily or caused any extra breakouts. If you would like to know a bit more about any of the products please leave me a comment and I will be sure to reply to you. 

I would love to know what your current skincare routine is, so please leave me a comment below with your details or a link to your post.


  1. I've thought about buying a Clarisonic, do you think it's worth it~?

    1. I love mine, It really does give you a deep down clean and gets rid of dirt and makeup you thought you had taken off. In the beginning I hated it as it broke me out big time bringing everything to the surface of my skin but I started using it again on and off and it has been a big help with clearing up my skin and I don't know what I would do without it anymore. I think it is a great investment for your skin. xo

  2. Replies
    1. It is a beautiful eye cream not to heavy or light Just right haha xo

  3. Love Purity with my Clarisonic too! Antipodes make amazing skin care, I really have liked everything I've tried. Would love to try Korres soon, and that Mario Badescu toner looks great :) xx

    Daniela |

    1. I have been loving the Purity specially with my Clarisonic I believe it is doing a great job at cleaning my face and removing any excess makeup. Antipodes can do no wrong I have tried a few of their products and loved all of them! The toner is really nice has a bit of a strong smell to it that I didn't think it would but works great. xo


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