Irresistible Me Clip In Hair Extensions

Tuesday 29 September 2015

I was recently asked if I would like to try out some hair extensions from Irresistible Me and as I have not had much to do with hair extensions I thought I would give them ago. Now I have a fair amount of hair but it is very thin and dead straight so I have always lacked that thickness and volume in my hair so I didn't really opt for length when I was looking at these extensions...

My new hair extensions arrived beautifully packaged and I couldn't believe how much they felt like real hair, these are great quality and they come in a great range of different colours. I have a really hard hair colour to match as I have a chocolate brown base with red thrown into the mix so I knew they wouldn't have my colour. But I got them as close as I could to my colour. I might get them colored next time I visit the hair dresser so they match in perfectly :)

I got the Royal Remy in Royal Chocolate Brown (16inch / 140g) pack, this pack contains 1x four clip extension, 3x three clip extensions, 2x two clip extensions and 2x one clip extensions.

*Without Hair Extensions
*With Hair Extensions

Trying to take a photo of thickness was a bit tough but hopefully you can see the difference from the two photo's above. I am so super impressed with not only how easy to use these extensions are but I can still not get over how much they felt just like my hair. If you are on the look for some new hair extensions I fully recommend you check these babies out. 

I am going to try and get a few more photo's up on my Instagram to show you the difference they have made, I am so extremely happy with the result it was exactly what I was looking for and love my new extensions.

Have you tried Irresistible Me Hair Extensions?

* Products were gifted to me for consideration, all opinions are my own and I will always give my honest opinion.


  1. Wowsers, they have really made a difference and the colour match is amazing!

  2. Oh wow they look great! they sound amazing.

    Tara xo

  3. Oh these look beautiful Nic! I love clipping they can change up your look in minutes xx

    Bec ||


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